Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Blog

I've always got crazy ideas running around in my head and thought I'd start a blog to write them down from time to time. Most of the things I will probably write about will center on a variety of themes such as the environment, politics, religion, fun, health and wellness, peace, business ideas or maybe a little philosophy/logic. I'll probably ask things like "says who, "what if" and "why not" all the time because I think innovation starts with questions like these. Innovation and the spread of healthy ideas is very important to a functional society as far as I'm concerned.

I'm a white American male in my mid/late 20's that lives in Scottsdale, AZ. I spend much of my time running my company here in the valley which is a refrigerant recovery franchise called Rapid Recovery. When it's not between the hours of 7am to 5pm M-F, I am usually relaxing or finding something fun to do with my girlfriend Renee. A few of the things that I think make the world a better place are relationships, food, reading, and dodgeball. If you think it's weird to mention dodgeball as something that makes the world a better place it doesn't stop there for me. Only a few weeks ago my team (AZ Rampage) won the open division at the dodgeball world championship in Las Vegas. Before you get too impressed I must say that it is still a bit of a subculture sport and there were only 5 countries represented. Of the 30+ teams most of them were from across the U.S. and one of the reasons we did so well is because we are from Phoenix, a city that is in close proximity to Vegas, which enables a higher number of competitive athletes to be able to afford the trip. It was definitely a good time though.

I want to live a good well thought out life. Currently, a few aspects of a good life that come to mind are loving other people well, not turning a blind eye to the poor, being peaceful, not waisting, living healthy and possibly most importantly simplifying the way a person lives. I guess maybe that's what I will theme my blog around for the time being. Every post I make will attempt to think about ways/ideas to live the good life or to make life better for society as a whole. I appreciate comments and suggestions very much and am rather open to examining my beliefs/opinions so if anyone out there in internet land wants to chime in with something different it will be well received.