Monday, September 13, 2010

Using FrontLine Plus show's your pet you care???

Sometimes I hear advertisements and cringe at what I'm listening too. There happens to be an advertisement I hear on facebook all the time for a product called Frontline Plus that is quiet possibly the worst I've ever heard.

Frontline + is a tic product for dogs. The advertisement starts out with a man speaking in a very deep serious voice that says "Using Frontline Plus shows your pet you care." Seriously? When did we as a culture shut our brains off?

There are a few ways too look at this but I think is speaks volumes about the culture we've created. First, it says a lot about the way products and services are marketed to people. It is very deceptive and creates an emotional tie to the product that does not need to be there. The fact that this type of marketing is effective is pretty disturbing. If a company can successfully market a product based on a lie instead of a beneficial function then there is no longer any need for quality. When quality is tossed out the window the free market will no longer need to compete with quality products, they will only need to compete by marketing and advertising successfully.  Just ask yourself how much junk you have laying around that you don't use very often? There is a good chance that these items were marketed based on a lie instead of a function. It might be a good idea to think about the way a product is marketed before you buy it. If it doesn't even attempt to give a good reason for needing the product then you probably don't.

Another way to look at this is by thinking about what kind of person actually falls for this kind of gimmick. I know there are a lot of stupid people out there but, really, how stupid do you have to be to actually believe that your pet can identify they brand of tic medicine and evoke a warm fuzzy feeling inside because they know you care about them. This is the subliminal message that the product is trying to instill. If you love your pet you will buy them Frontline Plus and they will know that you care about them because you did. The people that hear this advertisement and go buy Frontline Plus are either brainwashed or exceptionally stupid.

So, here's how this can change your life for the better. I don't think people that buy Frontline Plus are stupid, I think they probably just don't have time to think about it. Start listening to the advertisements that you hear and ask yourself if you actually need a particular brand because it is better and if you can't figure out if it is better or not then buy the generic because it's probably just as good. Also, if you look around and realize that you have tons of name brand junk just sitting around that never gets used, you are probably brainwashed by the marketing that you view and need to just start using your noggin a little more. It could save you a bunch of time and money that might make life a little less stressful and a little more enjoyable.

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