Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Facebook status update

I'm in a bit of a good mood right now because of something a little selfish. There have been a couple quotes I wanted to put up on Facebook for a while but never did. Anyway, yesterday I posted them and it ended up being my most "liked" status update ever. A bunch of my friends copied and posted it on their pages and it was even copied by a large group named People Against Jan Brewer. This was the status update:

‎"We cannot continue to sustain all of this stuff because you don't run a state, you don't run a country with your heart," - Jan Brewer

"A hard heart is no infallable remedy to a soft head." - C.S. Lewis

The C.S. Lewis quote is a line from a book he wrote titled, "The Abolition of Man." Ever since I read it I've been looking for clever way to use it in response to a right winger who blows off a good argument by calling it emotional. I tend to get that argument a lot from a certain individual but I wouldn't tell him this quote because I like him and wouldn't want to be a dick. Jan Brewer, however, does not have the luxury of being liked by me. So this morning, as selfish as it may be, I'm a little proud of how well my cleverness was received. I read through the comments on the pages of other people who copied my post and there were a few people who had some nice things to say. A couple of the more flattering comments were as follows:

Tanicia Hood Haha, who ever posted this, of the People against jan Brewer crew was ingenious to follow with that quote. Take a bow if you would.

Joy Wilcox brilliant.

So anyway, I'm in a bit of a good mood after being called brilliant and ingenious by strangers.


  1. I quoted you, but I didn't cite you. Sorry about that.

  2. Haha, no worries. You didn't quote me, you quoted Jan Brewer and C.S. Lewis.
