Friday, February 11, 2011

Acknowledging the monster behind you.

Have you ever heard the old nursery rhyme about the old lady that swallowed the frog to catch the fly and then a mouse to catch the frog and then a cat to catch the mouse and on and on? The old lady died... of course. I think there is more wisdom in that little nursery rhyme than meets the eye. I think the moral is that sometimes it's better to live with a problem if the only solutions are going to cause other problems that are more severe.

Try to apply that logic to Arizona's immigration problem for a minute. The AZ Legislature recently elected Russell Pearce to be the AZ Senate President and along with that comes a slew of anti-immigration legislation. Russell Pearce is so focused on solving the problem of undocumented immigration in front of him that he fails to see all the problems that his solutions are creating behind him in the wake of unintended consequences. We've already seen instances of violence between communities and the police department. We've seen local economies suffer because residents left in mass numbers to move to other states. And it looks as if the situation is only going to get worse. Recently, there was a bill introduced that would force hospitals to check the legal status of persons who receive emergency care and turn them over to federal authorities after their visit. I don't really feel like going into detail about the negative affects of this legislation because they are so obvious but if you'd like to read another blog that I think is an accurate prediction of what will ensue you can read it here -

The point I'd like to make is that I think it's very important to think critically about the motives of people who have a victim complex. Russell Pearce has a victim complex when it comes to undocumented immigrants. And rightfully so, I'm pretty sure he was shot once and had another run in that had something to do with drunk driving. (I might be wrong on the details but the point is that he has had bad experiences involving undocumented immigrants). People who view themselves as victims never feel like they need to be critical of their positions because they think they have a right to vengeance. In a way I can understand why Russell Pearce feels the way he does but I also think that we as a society need to think about the monsters behind his philosophy as he focuses all of his energy trying to rid the state of undocumented immigrants instead of critically examining the effects of his actions. Reason being that if we let him keep swallowing cats to catch mice, Arizona is going to end up like the old lady.

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