Friday, February 11, 2011


Today I read that the protests in Egypt were successful in their attempt to force the resignation of their authoritarian president of 30 years. I feel like this is very good news to me even though I am not personally connected to the situation and do not even know anyone who is. It is inspiring to me because it is an example of real change. Not just a politician who says the word change and then either chooses not to change anything or doesn't have the ability to change anything but actual real change from the grassroots level. It really demonstrated the power of the people. I was having a conversation with my brother-in-law a few days ago and he mentioned how the social contract between the people and the government is what allows a government to stay in power. As soon as that social contract is broken the government has no control whether they remain "in charge" or not. On the peoples end, breaking that contract takes a lot of courage because if it fails to break completely they leave themselves open to continuing abuses from those in power. I am inspired by the courage it took for the people of Egypt to stand up to an authoritarian rule and collectively say, "We will not follow you any more. Our social contract is broken. You are not our leader whether the law says you are or not or whether you stay or not. We are free!"

That is inspiring!

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